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Heritage Tour
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Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Hi everyone!

We are in China! This is day two for us and after a pretty normal first day, today we are feeling a bit sluggish. The whole group felt like falling asleep while we walked through Tiananmen Square and the Temple of Heaven.

There are 18 families traveling in our group so when we go somewhere, it's crowded. All the girls started texting each other before we left the states, so most of them have become fast friends. Annabel has of course made friends with just about everyone, and now seems to have 20 more sisters then when she left.

Today we also went to the Silk Museum, and the entire group of girls got fitted for silk dresses they will all wear on the last night of the trip. They each got to pick a silk pattern, a dress style, and length. A single tailor measured and fitted each of the 20 or so girls, one by one. Remarkably, he did not go mad in the process and it did not take the entire day.

That's all for today - we will post again tomorrow.

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