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Trip to China
Itinerary  |  May 8  GOTCHA DAY!  |  May 9  May 10  |  May 11  |  May 12  |  May 13  |  May 14

May 15  May 16  May 17  May 18

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Today was our consulate appointment so after a lengthy breakfast we waited in our room until we heard the good news at 11:30, that everything went well at the consulate. Tomorrow will be the oath and we'll be done! Sophie started to get fussy in the room, she's so used to going and going lately, she's beginning to really enjoy being on the go.

At noon we headed out for a short shopping trip and to drop our laundry off. The weather was starting to get bad, there is a typhoon on the way, but I think it's going to miss us. Thankfully this should all be passed by the time we'll fly out Friday morning. We returned to the room for lunch and nap time. Today I joined Sophie after the first hour of her nap and she woke me up 2 hours later. It was heavenly! I've been sleeping so much more soundly lately, just in time to get home and have to adjust back to US time ;)

When we woke up it was almost time for the red couch pictures and the river boat cruise. The evening was beautiful and the cruise was very enjoyable. Sophie had a great time looking at all the lights. The meal was a bit adventurous for me: tofu, duck, and some things I didn't recognize, but Sophie enjoyed it!

Tomorrow is our last full day here, I am so excited to get this girl HOME!!

Mom and Sophie on the red couch

Sophie and Alena, the other little girl in our group

Beautiful scenery at night in Guangzhou

Sophie on the river boat cruise

Close up of our sweet Sophie

Mom and Sophie on the Pearl River

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